You know you’ve made the right decision, when your child still jumps off the bus and runs flat out excited to tell you all about his school day – every day!!!
To have such a high quality, college in a small rural town is remarkable. Redeemer offers a warm welcome nurturing environment, ensuring kindness and respect oozes throughout their school grounds. The dedicated staff are second to none, constantly exploring new learning platforms to keep the students engaged with  modern, fun and relatable content. Every student is encouraged to be the best version of themselves with extra support on offer for learning support/tuition through to competing in regional STEM programs. Extra curriculum activities are on offer such as Cheer and Dance, Robotics, Writers Club, Music etc. The Secondary College offers extensive career guidance to ensure every student has direction towards their career upon completion of Year 12  - Louise Salmon



We have been a part of the Redeemer community for over 9 years now. Starting at Prep, moving our eldest two daughters through Primary school and now into Secondary school. 

We have been very happy with the education they have received. The extra curricula activities such at Cheer/Dance, Robotics, Catering Club, Cafe and Writers Club are brilliant as they are onsite.

Everyone in the Redeemer community is very kind and it's just like being apart of one big family. The school has many events where Prep to Year 12 students participate together, which is wonderful to see - Clapham Family


We have been fortunate enough to have 3 of our children at Redeemer Lutheran College (in the high school) since 2019. We were nervous about our children's transition from a relatively sheltered, rural home-school environment to mainstream schooling. We were so happy and relieved to find that the culture of Redeemer was one that welcomed each of our children, even though they are all very different in their interests and talents. 

The smaller school environment means that our children can have friends across the grades. The sportsmanship at Carnivals stood out to us immediately as students cheered along those coming last in races, as well as those coming first. This was something we had not seen before. 

For our more practical, hands-on children, the magnificent manual arts department, Home Ec, Agricultural studies and Art helped them thrive at school, and has led to an apprenticeship for one. The musical opportunities at Redeemer are exceptional for a regional school and have provided a level of musical tutorial for our children that remote families rarely have access to. The extra curricular activities available in catering club, music, inter-school sports, STEM and robotics have all been enjoyed by our children, as well as the real life experience of the Daily Grind Cafe. 

The Maths, English, Hass, Accounting and other subjects are delivered with dedication by the lovely staff at Redeemer. We believe that the strength of this school is in the teachers, who all go above and beyond their duty towards the students. Their genuinely Christian approach, and level of personal knowledge about each individual student is something that we value and appreciate very much about this school - Creed Family